20. April 2016

SwissCityBootCamp celebrates its Birthday!

SwissCityBootCamp celebrates its Birthday and we want you to celebrate with us!
On May 7, 2012 the first, official SwissCityBootCamp training begun in Zurich, Switzerland.
A lot has happened in the past 4 years, and we have experienced many great hours with our participants.

What started as a small offer of workouts has become a lot more than that today, thanks to you. SCBC offers a comprehensive approach that appeals to everyone in one way or the other, and we are so happy to excite more and more people.

We would like to celebrate this milestone with you on Saturday, May 7th 2016.

First, we will meet at 9am at the Paradeplatz in front of the Credit Suisse and start from there a boot camp sightseeing workout trough the old part of Zurich. While the workout continues we will visit the one of Zürichs most beautiful places and sights and will also learn alot about the citys history.

After approx 1 hour we will return and celebrate our birthday with one or two beverages.

9.00am – 10.15am BootCamp Sightrunning Traning
10.15am Birthday celebration with a small Apero

Here you can register for the workout

We look forward to celebrating with you!

All the best,
Carola & Your SCBC Team