Zurich – Bürkliplatz

get started now, it's as easy as this

Register at My BootCamp and open your account. Your account will be credited automatically with 1 Credit for your first trial workout for CHF 10.- Select your location and the training of your choice, register, and you are good to go! Going forward, you will be able to buy your credits at any time individually and register for your next workouts.

Our Location

Bürkliplatz, Zürich, Switzerland

licence partner at location

Steffi Volland

Wouldn't you just love to do your work-outs outside? In beautiful Zurich? I do! With a small group of truly nice and fun people? Well, what are you waiting for?

location info

Bürkliplatz, Limmatplatz, Oerlikon.
Central Switzerland as well as Zürich offer fantastic options for outdoor training. No matter if we choose the amazing sceneries of historic oldtown places, stairways, see-saws, benches or thera bands, we are able to perform a diversified work out. Whatever your goal is: Strength, endurance, flexibility or coordination - we´ll help you reaching it.

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