How healthy is this way of detoxing?
Many people connect fasting with religious occasions, as they have only heard of lent in connection with religious holidays such as Good Friday, Ramadan, or Yom Kippur. Or many luminaries such as Gandhi, who have only drunk water or tea and not consumed anything in their fight against suppression.
One can survive without food for a long time – given that your physical health is decent and you continue drinking a lot of fluids in the form of water. As a high percentage of our body consists of water, we have to supply it accordingly.
It is true… if we look back through the last centuries, fasting had always been a religious custom, and only today it has been more and more transformed into a modern factor of our society, as the health and mental positive aspects were discovered.
Whoever thinks that he wants to fast in order to lose a couple of pounds in an easy way, underestimates the effects, as many want to fast without any “pain.”
They do not even consider how much bad stuff they have inflicted on their body. In the time of fasting, all little and larger sins are removed from the body and thus, there are sometimes bigger and sometimes smaller reactions.
Therefore, you should be aware to only begin fasting and detoxing when you really want to change something in your life and in your health care. What is the sense in struggling through days if you will instantly begin to eat the same junk at the end again? It is not worth the vacation days, financial commitment and the few lost pounds are back again in no time as well.
With fasting you are taking a new step in life; this is the reason that it is also more and more employed by doctors, as health issues may often be alleviated.
For instance, elevated blood sugar levels of diabetics can be kept under control again, arthrosis pain is reduced or totally relieved, inflamed gastrointestinal issues can be healed, and all this through not eating and only drinking. It sounds pretty easy, right?
And the highlight of it all: Even a sluggish metabolism is completely rebooted after 1-2x of fasting.
Sure, the positive effects can only stay permanent if you continue to be conscious in your nutrition and lifestyle after the fasting. That means not falling right away back into bad, old habits such as smoking, coffee, fast food, stress, and not enough sleep. Who succeeds in staying away as long as possible from these little sins, or even in saying goodbye for ever, will feel how the body shows its gratitude, and well-being, energy, and mood will all be increased.
On October 30th we will start again with the next Detox and Fasting Weekand almost all spots are booked. It seems that luckily fasting is a trend and many people have started rethinking the process. If you would like to be a part of it on the spur of the moment, there are still 2 spots.