8. April 2015

Hunger Attacks? Stop it!!

You might already experienced that – a ravenous appetite that is unstoppable – even when the hunger is already gone.

Basically, these hunger signs are nothing more than a message from our body to tell us that it doesn’t get enough nutrients. It doesn’t help, if we stuff our belly with empty calories and unhealthy food within a short amount of time. It’s more about a holistic approach which has to be reflected regularly and of course applied. Our bodies need nutrients to function. It has to absolve several internal processes, plus our daily performance. Especially, when we train hard, it is important to fuel our bodies with enough energy that is based on a healthy lifestyle.

Too often, we try to restrict after those hunger attacks to compensate all the calories we ate. That isn’t the solution, cause we will only go deeper into that vicious cycle – only a little later we will feel ravenous again and the next bingeing attack is around the corner.

Therefore it is so important to combine healthy food to a balanced meal in order to supply our bodies with the necessary nutrients. All information on how a balanced meal looks like can be found here. Like this, this unstoppable hunger feeling stays away, cause we are actually satisfied. Try it – don’t be afraid of carbs, fat or proteins – the only thing you have to watch is that you pick the right food of the accroding macronutrient.

SCBC collaborates with a company named ISANO which provides products that are supplementary to a healthy diet. ISANO health food is based on the knowledge of VITAGENESE and is produced in a raw form. Natural raw material is combined to result in a nutritionally complete nutrient profile. Get more information about ISANO here!