28. March 2016

Easter without an Easter Lamb and without Fish on Good Friday

I am originally from Vienna, and our tradition always included a big feast for the entire family. Traditionally, fish would be on the menu for Friday after the 40 days of Lent, and then on Sunday, the poor Easter lamb had to pay its dues. Luckily, the Easter bunny stayed alive, as we would have burst from all the food, however a few chocolate bunnies were always gobbled up for sure.

Nowadays, vegan nutrition in all its varieties is very much in vogue, and quite some Easter lambs will be saved. Instead, one grabs meat substitutes and forms Easter themed replacements from tofu or seitan. And those who want it even more convenient, buy ready-made products. It remains questionable how healthy that really is, and I always ask myself, why do you have to mix everything together to resemble the taste and even the look of meat again if you decided to turn your back on animal products in the first place? On top of it, most of the ready-made foods such as vegan deli meats and cheeses are not better than other processed foods at all. Have you taken a look at the list of ingredients yet? Often, there is not a single ingredient anymore that I would use for my cooking; except if you always prepare your food with all kinds of starch, flavors, potassium sorbate, food colors and so on?

I hope rather not.

How about simply saying goodbye to this idea and creatively whisking up great meals for the family with natural food items. Although, I am not vegan and not radical at all in any direction, you might have realized that I love raw food and have completed my trainings in this field.

Well, I certainly don’t want to miss offering you a couple of wonderful inspirations for your Easter Brunch. I would be so thrilled if you decided to try them and send me a picture of your creation to share on our FB page. As a little Thank You, the first three submissions will receive a little Easter package with nice natural samples, which I will have delivered personally to you. So, what are you waiting for, start cooking!

Here are the recipes: