Cardio Scan

We aspire to motivate people to lead a healthy, vital, and dynamic life.
According to the WHO, 95% of all illnesses can be avoided by a healthy lifestyle.

Why Cardio Scan?

Most of us don’t even know the current state of our health and fitness. Heart rhythm, stress levels, body composition, metabolism, and much more can’t be assessed properly by us. Even though we should be familiar especially with our bodies. It is our own motor, which we have to oil continuously to be able to go through life in a healthy and dynamic way.

In order to assess the individual status quo, we have acquired a Cardio Scan for our clients. This is a highly-developed analytic system which can be utilized module-based, depending on what you would like to find out about yourself.

The module-based analytic system of Cardio Scan can measure comprehensive physical data.

Heart & Stress Check

Der Cardioscan ist ein Vitalitätscheck auf EKG-Basis, welcher die relevanten Risikofaktoren des Herzens in Ruhe misst und bewertet. Cardioscan zeichnet hierbei ein EKG genaues dreidimensionales Herzportrait, bestimmt den individuellen Stress-Index, zeigt den Fit-Level an und gibt Trainingsempfehlungen. Die Analyse basiert auf die durch die WHO festgelegte optimale Trainingsherzfrequenzen und –aufteilung. Hierbei wird zwischen 3 Trainingszielen unterschieden: Abnehmen/Gesundheit, Fitness und Leistung.

Body Composition

The determination of body composition is performed by a body scan with a bio-impedance measurement. Hereby, four electrodes on hand and feet measure the electronic body resistance within less than 10 seconds and in a totally pain free manner for the test person.

This determines the proportion of body fat, fat free mass, body water, and muscle mass. The results are illustrated in a descriptive red-orange-green diagram and compared to medical standard values.

In addition, the ratio of the active (muscle protein) and the passive (bone mass) musculoskeletal system is shown and also, if strength training or nutritional measures are necessary to stabilize the body.

The body fat ratio is illustrated and divided into the essential fat mass, fat depots, and the superfluous fat mass (generally visceral abdominal fat), so any resulting health risks may be determined if applicable. The contrast between actual and aspired body composition is the basis for the individual training and nutrition program.


The metabolism analysis measures the individual metabolism profile. The consumption at resting is measured and compared to the medical standard value, which shows how the metabolism functions.

A further evaluation is the metabolism modus, which illustrates how far the body currently metabolizes through fat and carbohydrate consumption.

In order to deduct a highly efficient training and nutrition program, the values of oxygen concentration of exhaled air and the carbon dioxide emission are taken into consideration.

Blood Pressure and Lifestyle

The lifestyle module measures and documents blood pressure and further, relevant risk parameters, which every doctor records for the preparation of a vitality profile during anamnesis. This includes the smoking history, weekly exercise, weight, height, age, and abdominal circumference. Additionally, this module serves as a report and evaluation of cholesterol levels. This enables the early detection of possible risks and an adjustment of the training intensity.

Performance Diagnostics

Performance diagnostics encompasses examination and test procedures that give insight into the performance status-quo of an athlete. Stamina, strength, flexibility, and speed provide the basis for targeted and effective training with individual control of the physical strain.

The performance diagnostics module is a spiroergometric threshold test with a bicycle ergometer that determines the individual endurance performance capabilities. During the test, the pressure is increased step by step. Meanwhile, performance, heart rate, oxygen intake, carbon dioxide emission, and further breathing parameters are tested and recorded on a continuous basis by means of breath gas analysis (spiroergometry).

The goal is to determine the training areas and establish an optimal and individual training recommendation. This is the basis for every professional training program. The module measures the fat burning pulse (highest fat burning or overload), ideal for competition preparation, for healthy weight loss with exercise, and as a guard against over-training.

It is possible to perform each test individually or as a complete analysis


Cardio stress index
measuring heart stress level

Fit level
determining physical fitness level

4 channel ECG incl. report for doctor

heart rate variability determined from ECG

Comprehensive Performance Analysi
no-blood lactate threshold testing, respiratory quotient, optimal fat burning, oxygen intake, CO2 emission aerobic/anaerobic threshold testing by means of spiroergometry

CHF 210

CHF 210


Body composition
cell activity
fat, muscle, bone measurement
CHF 95

Metabolism analysis
resting baseline
carbohydrate-fat metabolism
consumption profile
CHF 110

blood pressure
cardiovascular system
Procom score
CHF 50

CHF 150

CHF 150

Price for entire package Get in Shape + Get Fit: CHF 250 instead of CHF 360
When you book a single module: you will receive 10% off your next SCBC subscription
When you book the complete analysis: you will receive 15% off your next SCBC subscription

All prices excl. 8% VAT